Mighty MERP NJ Law Podcast
Aug. 31, 2022

Judge Mark Sandson Episodes

Judge Mark Sandson Episodes

Judge Mark Sandson has been a champion for addiction recovery since he was appointed to the bench in 2002. When he recognized that addiction was at the root of many criminal cases, he lobbied for and helped to create recovery court, a program that helps those with addiction get the treatment they need instead of going to jail. Judge Sandson's dedication to helping those suffering from addiction has made a real difference in the lives of many people.

Recovery court is a voluntary program that provides intensive treatment and support to participants. It is designed to help those with addiction get their lives back on track and avoid future run-ins with the law. The program has been shown to be effective in reducing recidivism and helping participants achieve long-term recovery.

Judge Sandson has been a strong advocate for recovery court, and his efforts have helped it to grow and thrive. He believes that every person deserves a chance at recovery, and he has dedicated his career to making that happen. Thanks to Judge Sandson's tireless work, many people have been able to turn their lives around and build better futures for themselves. For that, we are truly grateful. Thank you, Judge